Pour ceux qui ne la recevraient pas je me permets de copier ci-dessous un extrait de la newsletter d'Elephant Plains où on donne des nouvelles des léopards de Sabi Sand, chers à nos coeurs

There’s been a slight change in the wind: little
Matimba is slowly starting to expand his horizons as he is regularly going into the Big Gowrie section, all the way up to Buffelshoek. He is going further and further away from
Safari. We didn’t get to see her as often as usually as she was also in Big Gowrie, possibly trying to find Matimba.
Salayexe was, once again, mating with
Tyson on our open area and somehow, this time, I think she might become pregnant. We can only wait and see.
Ntima and her cub as well as
Kurula and her cubs are all doing well. Kurula’s cubs have been named
Thandi and
Shadow. We see
Mafufunyana regularly in the area east of our property.
Nyeleti and her cubs are also doing very well. They are definitely as beautiful as their mother.